FEGEOSTOM GOAT FARM is into rearing and production of goats for commercial purposes. We rear goats for meat, milk, hides/skin, and manure production. The goat meats are processed and packaged into different meat parts, and done in well hygienic and standard way. We are located in Shaki Oyo state, and have our tentacles reaching Ogun, Lagos and Kwara State.
Our farm is sectioned into different department i.e. we have the section for Goats reared for milk, we have the section for goats reared for meat, and we also have the section for goats reared for hides. Our farm also features the butchery and packaging sections. We do offer training services for would be farmers, we teach them on our integrated sustainable farming method which cuts operation cost of feeding to almost half.
FEGEOSTOM GOAT FARM is owned by a vetinary turned business man he is saddled with daily responsibility of overseeing activities on the farm. He has carefully enrolled a team of experienced staffs like our farm supervisor, technical manager and accountant Victor Ajonla, a certified micro-biologist, mrs Ige Badmus who serve as head of butchery and processing unit and sales manager, Mr Ike Philips as head of our laborers.
We have 7 laborers who have local experience with goats, they are in charge of feeding, cleaning, administering drugs, butchery, and assist with processing. We have made a more detailed staffs profile under the operational section of this business plan.

Goat farming is a highly lucrative business and still falls amongst the under produced meats in Nigeria. Goats meat are highly revved for its excellent taste, nutritious protein content which is more than that of cow beef, and goat has a lower cholesterol level compared to chicken.
The most goats eaten in the south west are from the northern part of the country. During the festive season, goats prices rises as high as 500% of normal price, and most times often are scarce commodity.
Goat farming offers a wide range of products and value chains, it produces many industry because of many derivatives from its skin, horns, goat milk, goat manure. The cheese, butter, yoghurt, ice-cream, leather, soap, fiber.
Target Market
Our customer segment focus on about 130 retail meat stores and malls, event planners and caterers on event planners platforms in South-west Nigeria, leather making companies, skin/hides exporters, milk production companies, yoghurt production companies,
More detailed and up-to-date market analysis and market research when you get Goat Farm business plan from us.
Goal of our Goat Farm
We rear goats and produce goat derivative by products in commercial quantity, supplementing for the glut that occurs in some seasons in the south west markets becoming the number one Goat Farm in Oyo state and one of the pace setters in disruptive goat farming business in South west Nigeria.
Objectives of our Goat Farm
- To be the one-stop-shop quality all goat products place
- To achieve our sales growth target quarterly and at the end of the fiscal year
- To achieve profit in the first year and increase the margin in subsequent years
- To expand our reach beyond Oyo states by creating a hitch free, highly effective ecommerce online store with fast and reliable designated delivery company
- To exceed customers’ expectations by providing quality sales services and products at an optimum price.
Products from our farm
- Goat meat: We kill process and package goat meet which is sold in bulk to meat retailers, caterers, and individual customers across the state. Goat meat is highly sort after, the Yorubas love the male goat meat more than the female but generally all tribes in the country subscribe to goat eating and there is no religious taboo against goat meat consumption. Goat meat is lean and low in cholesterol.
- Goat Milk: we produce Goat milk in our farm we have a department that caters for breeding prolific milk producers. The good thing about goat milk is its market worthiness because it has lower cholesterol and non-allergic compared to cow milk. Goat milk contains nutrients that improve our appetite and effectiveness of our digestive system. Goat milk contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can be used for treating fungal originated urinogenital diseases. Yoghurt, cheese and butter, are other products from goat milk.
- Fibers: We also rear some goats for their Fibers, we export these quality fibers which fetches us good profit.
- Another product which we do export is Hides and skin of butchered goats; these hides are used to produce leathers, there’s a section dedicated to rear the Kalahari Red goats mainly for this purpose. Hides are sold to leather processors.Leather processors do request for these particular goat’s skins because of the thickness of the hides which is locally used by craftsmen, leather companies and likes in Nigeria and also internationally, and because of our renowned hides quality, our goat skins are highly demanded.
- Manure; Goats manure are superb for farm use they are excellent organic manure which is potent like poultry manure and much milder than fresh poultry manure which could easily burn off young plants due to high nitrogen content. We package our Goat’s droppings in suitable sacs, many organic farm in our community often book our manures down; manure sales gives us a good extra revenue which caters for many daily expenses.
We are seeking funds for expansion of our goat pens to raise more goats and a standard meat processing and milk extraction and packaging unit, we would only extract the milk and package into drums for further production for other companies into all kind of goat milk related products. Our meats will also be packaged in different forms as demanded by individual market segment. A total of about 9million has been budgeted for this and we are expected to make 64million in revenue within 2years and a net profit of approx 33million would be realized. A detailed breakdown of all financials is expressed in our financial excel sheets, with a 3year forecast and projections.
Please call our business plan consultants: +2348147161686, info@apprenticeship.ng
We have a team that can help you write your specific business plans, feasibility studies, Marketing plan, grant application, market research, business brand story and so on.
Contact: +2348147161686 for details